
Grand Humus Plus


₱398.00 (if with influencer’s code)

SKU: grand-humus-plus Categories: ,

Grand Humus Plus is a powerful plant growth stimulant and soil conditioner that revolutionizes agricultural practices. Comprised of 92% humic acid, 7% potassium, and 91.12% organic matter, this product is derived from the natural decomposition of dead plants and animals over thousands of years. It addresses the escalating challenges faced by farmers, such as rising costs of chemical fertilizers and declining harvests, by restoring and enhancing soil and crop health.

Key Benefits:

For the Soil:

  • Stimulates beneficial microbial activity, enhancing soil health.
  • Improves soil structure, making it more robust and less prone to erosion.
  • Reduces the need for frequent watering by retaining moisture efficiently.
  • Increases the content of organic matter in the soil.
  • Decreases the risk of landslides and soil erosion.
  • Helps prevent drought by improving the soil’s water retention capabilities.
  • Acts as a chelating agent, improving nutrient availability.
  • Minimizes nutrient loss through leaching.

For the Plants:

  • Protects plants against extremes of acidity and alkalinity.
  • Enhances water retention which leads to darker, greener foliage.
  • Strengthens root vitality, supporting healthier plant growth.
  • Promotes quicker seed germination and vigorous early growth.
  • Enhances nutrient uptake, ensuring plants receive the essential elements they need.
  • Improves plant resilience against environmental stress.

For the Farmers:

  • Boosts production and improves crop appearance, leading to higher market value.
  • Reduces reliance and expenditure on chemical fertilizers.
  • Offers a safer, more natural alternative to chemical inputs, reducing potential health risks.

How to Use:
Incorporate into the soil before planting or during the growing season as needed to maintain nutrient-rich, healthy soil. Can be used in conjunction with regular fertilization practices to enhance overall soil and plant health.


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